How Can When a Weight Loss study is Unreliable?
We can learn how to recognize the common red flags of bad information. We can learn how to be skeptical and how to trust ourselves. We can actively evaluate the information we take in, instead of passively accepting it.
When even Young Earth creationists have their own “scientific” journal, who can you trust?
Agencies like the Centers for Disease Control and the Food and Drug Administration have had their budgets threatened by members of Congress who are only concerned with making their industry donors happy.
We’ve also seen the hollowing out of government regulatory agencies that are supposed to protect the public, replacing career experts with industry people.
they go fund their own research and studies to assure everyone that the industry is blameless.
A good study abstract should describe how the experiment was designed and should clearly lay out what the results were.
Titled “Korea Cancer Moonshot,” the forum hosted by Rep. Lee Yong-bin from the main opposition Democratic Party of Korea, a former family physician and a member of the National Assembly’s Trade, Industry, Energy, SMEs, and Startups Committee, looked into what the liquid biopsy technique developed by genome sequencing research firm Eone Diagnomics Genome Center (EDGC) does, how effective it is in preventing cancer,
One of its exclusive advantages over other liquid biopsy techniques is that it can predictively diagnose multiple cancers at once.
For the technique to become more widely used in Korea, the expensive examination costs must be lowered and the central government has to mitigate related regulations, the forum suggested.